MUST READ: 3 SBN Client Success Stories

in Jun 28, 2023

MUST READ: 3 SBN Client Success Stories


“In 12 short days I'm hooked and thrilled!” 

“I've just completed my first-ever 12-day trial, and to say I'm impressed with the program is an understatement!”

Why I Started

“In 12 short days, I'm hooked!  I chose to do the trial because I couldn't commit to any longer as I'm going on an overseas holiday in a couple of weeks and won't be in control of any of my food. So I wanted to see what I'd be getting myself in for when I got back and if it would be worth it.  And yes! YES IT WILL BE!”

My Detox Journey: The Highs and Lows

“I've tried to lose weight in the past with no success.  But I stuck to the program like superglue! Was it challenging at times when I really wanted a yummy coffee? Yes! When I wanted something else to eat? Yes! Did I cave? No! If you were on the fence or wondering why are you putting yourself through this - Keep Going!  I've never succeeded .”

 My Results:

“Here are my 12-day results - I'm amazed after 12 days!

Starting Weight (SW): 112 kg

Current Weight (CW): 105.3 kg

Total Loss (TL): 6.7 kg

Total Loss Overall cm: 10.5 cm

In 12 days!!! That's unheard of for me, and I'm thrilled!” 

 What's Next for me

“Detox on the Go when I get home , and I've already prepped meals for the next week so I can keep on top of my eating ? Bring it on!!!”

-Amanda J



“This is gold!”

“Firstly: BIG THANK YOU SBN!!!!!!! I feel 10 years younger!!! Best ever diet I have done, forever grateful.”

Why I Started:

“ be able to get back to this weight feel more confident with myself.”

My Detox Journey- The Highs and Lows:

“I Followed 100% can say I have not had any cheat days!! My friends are impressed how well I managed after all the socialising I still did; brought my Tupperware everywhere with me ?

My Favourite Detox meals:

-Tuna Ceviche 

-Salmon in oven and green beans cooked in water

-Chickpeas cooked with crushed tomatoes, coriander, spring onion and Moroccan spices

-Beef patty with a veg-like courgette cooked with mixed herbs

-Tomato Bruschetta

 My Results:

“Total loss of nearly 10kg!! I am very proud of my accomplishment and never thought I would ever be able to get back to this weight ( actually did better than my goal)!! I feel so much more confident with myself- this is gold! I need a whole new wardrobe ??”

Starting Weight (SW): 69kg

Goal Weight (CW): 60kg

Current Weight (CW): 59.2kg

Total Loss (TL): Nearly 10kg!!

Total Loss Overall cm: 42cm (14cm waist, 10cm hips, 5cm chest, 2.5cm each arm, 4cm each thigh)

 What's next for me:

“I love how we actually can get the control back, not feeling like our body is the boss but WE are the boss ? Now I really want to tone my body and start exercising more ?”

-Alex C



“Over the Moon! 20kg and 4 dress sizes lost!”

“Feeling over the moon! 20kg and 4 dress sizes lost! sooooooo much younger, energetic - and happy! I back in MY body, mind and soul.”

Why I started:

“2019 began with my struggle to accept my emerging menopausal apple shape and sluggish mid-50’s brain. I thought this was normal, and all I could do was face the fact that my “old lady” stage had arrived (and it turns out she snores!!!) until an older friend said, “Don’t let the old lady in”. I had friends who had transformed themselves by “just quit sugar and carbs”, but I had tried that many times before, and even though I had given up smoking and drinking alcohol in the last 15 years – kick my big sugar habit; sugar has always defeated me. I was on the eye out for something different – I needed a kick-start, but it had to be simple, economical for the returns, and slip into a family/work routine. I follow Instagrammer @marleyandlockyer (Ness Lockyer) for her beautiful ceramics and aesthetic. One day, she posted about her SBN journey and the research she had undertaken into looking for this type of program and I signed up on the day.” 

 My detox journey- the highs and lows:


“ had some big losses in Week 1 of Round 1 (started Feb/March this year) and then plateaued on the scales but losing cms and feeling AMAZING!! A couple of social events did get in the way but overall found the programme very easy to follow and not being a fan of exercise it was win/win. Energy levels increasing though so found myself "wanting" to walk more and pick up yoga again! Aches and pains in joints started to reduce, sleeping better than ever and not snoring!! The toughest part for me is keeping the fluids up but have found that they are key to my losses. The teas are a godsend.

In hindsight I did struggle a bit with Round 1 Maintenance – probably rushed into increasing calories and re-introducing foods too soon.”


“,I had made the decision to go for another 60 Days. So waited, waited, and waited the four weeks before I could start. I made reasonably healthy choices through this period but found I still had pretty strong cravings (esp for sugar), and did gain 1 kg.

round 2 did not see as big a loss; I did have some ups (during my period) and downs (whoosh), but my faith in the programme did not waver – the fat just seemed to be melting away, and people were commenting on how much younger I looked. But that was nothing compared to how I was feeling – sooooooo much younger, energetic - and happy! I felt back in control of mind, body and soul. I felt back in MY body, mind and soul. The discipline of the food plan really helped me to see my immediate “gut” response and I began to introduce the same combinations into the family meals (this helped a lot through Round 2 Maintenance).

This time I was very focussed during the Maintenance stage. Week 1 – same plan, no patches, Week 2 – increase portions and combine foods from the approved list of vegetables, Week 3 – introduce some healthy fats like avocado and nuts.”

 My results:

“Just finished maintenance of Round 2/60 Days. By the end I had lost 12 kgs and feeling over the moon! sugar habit is in remission. But like any addiction, it is a day-by-day journey… feeling a lot more confident!


Starting Weight (SW): 86.6kg

Goal Weight (GW): 66.6kg

Finishing Weight (FW): 66.6kg

Total Loss (TL): 20kg and 4 dress sizes lost!

 What's next for me:

“ I am still fasting from 8 pm until Noon and lost another kilo over the last 3 weeks. So far I have not had any cravings for the last month and still aim to have 3 litres of water daily. I use Fitness Pal to log my food intake and on 1200 calories. Will look to continue slowly to build that to 1500 and reduce my weigh-ins to once a week. 

I have ordered my Formula Z to keep me going for the next couple of months and include Apple Cider Vinegar in my supplements.”

Thank you so much for this programme – I tell everyone and anyone who will listen about it (and a few have signed up), and my Doctor has been equally amazed by my improved health too!”

-Melissa H